August 22, 2023

20 Questions to Ask During Your User Testing


User testing is a critical step in the app development process, allowing designers and developers to gather crucial interaction and experience feedback from real users. It’s recommended to carry out user testing throughout the design and development process to help influence the overall curated experience into a more user-friendly outcome.

To ensure the best outcome of your user testing, you want to make sure your questions cover various aspects, including design, navigation, functionality, and overall impressions. Starting with more general inquiries and thoughts and gradually diving into more specific areas helps to not overwhelm users but guides them to a more comprehensive understanding of the application's interactions. Then at the end of the test, you’ll want to capture their overall thoughts and impressions.

The responses to these questions will give you crucial feedback which will help identify usability issues, validate assumptions, and detect bugs or errors early on. Additionally, open-ended questions provide users with the opportunity to express their thoughts and suggestions. This can help lead to iterating on the development build resulting in the creation of a user-friendly app that aligns with the target audience's needs and preferences, giving the app more chance of success.

Remember to encourage participants to provide detailed responses to get the most valuable insights from the user testing process. Additionally, consider observing users as they interact with the app to identify potential issues they might not explicitly mention.

Things to consider while writing user testing questions

When writing user testing questions, keep them clear, specific, and neutral to ensure unbiased results. Use open-ended questions to encourage detailed responses and address one topic per question but you can use follow-up questions if needed. Keep questions concise so users don't get hung up on unnecessary points. Make sure to pilot test your questions, perhaps within your company, to ensure they work and make sense. Finally, your aim should be to gather valuable insights while respecting the participants' time.

Bear in mind that the questions you might ask will depend on if you are showcasing a design prototype or a fully developed build, as a prototype will be more limited in its ability and functionality. Also, you will want to limit the number of questions if you are simply sending a test out as a digital link, as people are less likely to engage if it's too long. However, in qualitative interview testing having it run longer is acceptable.

User Testing Questions Examples

Ease of Use:

  • Were you able to navigate the app easily?
  • Did you encounter any difficulties while trying to perform specific tasks?
  • Were there any confusing elements or unclear instructions?

Functionality and Features:

  • What are your initial thoughts about the app's design and layout?
  • Is the purpose and functionality of the app clear to you from the outset?
  • Did you find all the features you were expecting in the app?
  • Were there any features missing that you think would be valuable?

Visual Design:

  • Did the app's overall visual design appeal to you?
  • Were the colours, fonts, and images used appropriate and consistent with the app's purpose?
  • Was the text legible and easy to read?

User Flow:

  • Was the flow of actions logical and easy to follow?
  • Did you feel lost or unsure about what to do at any point during the app usage?

Error Handling:

  • If you encountered any error messages, were they clear and helpful?
  • Did the app provide sufficient guidance on how to recover from errors?

Overall User Experience:

  • On a scale of 1 to 10, how would you rate your overall experience with the app?
  • What did you like the most about the app?
  • What aspects of the app do you think need improvement?
  • Would you find this app useful? 

By crafting clear and specific questions, we uncover any usability issues, validate assumptions, and elevate the overall user experience. Then using that feedback and thoughtful iteration, we create a user-friendly app that caters to our target audience's needs, giving it a competitive edge in the market.

20 Questions to Ask During Your User Testing