August 22, 2023

What is 'Front End' and 'Back End' Development?


Backend and frontend development are two distinct areas of web and software development that have their own set of responsibilities and technologies. Let's explore the key differences between them below:

Backend development

Backend development involves working on the server side of a web application or app. It focuses on handling business logic, data storage and also communication with the database and any services/integrations required.

Back-end developers work on creating the functionality of an application. The Backend is usually responsible for handling user authentication, managing databases, and implementing business rules to enable the website or application to perform its intended functions.

There are several popular technologies that are commonly used when working on the back-end. These might include the following:

  • Languages - These include popular languages such as JavaScript, Swift, Kotlin, Python and C#.

  • Databases: Popular solutions for databases include PostgreSQL, MySQL and MongoDB

  • Web Servers/Platforms: This can include typical web servers such as Apache and Nginx. It can also more recently involve working with serverless technologies. Both have advantages and disadvantages depending on the type of project.

Frontend development


Frontend development refers to the client side of a web application or app (The presentation layer). It focuses on creating the user interface that users interact with directly in their browser or app.

There are many technologies commonly used in front-end development which include:

  • HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) - Defines the structure of web pages.
  • CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) - Handles the presentation and styling of the HTML elements.
  • JavaScript - Adds interactivity and dynamic features to the website, such as animations, form validations, and responsive behaviour.

In larger development teams there can be dedicated backend and frontend developers. The frontend team works on the user interface, while the backend team works on APIs (Application Programming Interface) to fetch data and perform actions on the server. 

In summary, front-end development focuses on the user interface and user experience, while back-end development deals with the server side and infrastructure that power the website or app. Both aspects are crucial for creating a robust, functional, and user-friendly application whatever the presentation method is. 

What is 'Front End' and 'Back End' Development?