August 22, 2023

Why is it So Important to Test Your App?


In the realm of mobile applications, Buildfire has informed us that the Apple Store houses an impressive 1.96 million applications, while the Google Play Store boasts a whopping 2.87 million downloadable apps. With such a saturated market, it's clear that simply building a software or application is not enough to guarantee success.

This principle extends beyond apps and encompasses website development and other product creation processes. To truly excel and offer a solid, dependable, and workable product, it is essential to identify areas for improvement through user testing.

So, what exactly is user testing? User testing involves evaluating the functions and overall user experience of a software or product by gathering feedback directly from users. It is a critical process in any product development journey. To obtain the most reliable results, potential customers must freely interact with the website, software, or application. User testing aims to answer one fundamental question: Can users easily operate the software or application to fulfil its purpose?

The importance of user testing cannot be overstated for developers who wish to refine their platforms and enhance product usability. This method offers several valuable benefits:

  1. Unbiased user perspective: While product creators may have their own perspectives and insights, they cannot fully substitute for real-time users. Building user personas and conducting internal tests with informed individuals within your team may fall short. Testing your product with actual users allows you to obtain unbiased feedback and understand how they interact with and experience your product. This empowers you to design your platform effectively and provide a better user experience.

  2. Identification of overlooked problems: User testing helps identify problems in the early stages of product development. It reveals where users encounter difficulties and exposes issues that your team may have overlooked. Detecting these problems early on is crucial, as it saves your company time and money that would otherwise be spent fixing bugs after the product has been developed.

  3. User feedback as a guiding force: One of the most valuable aspects of user testing is the feedback received from users. Ultimately, the end-user's satisfaction and perception of the functionality of your product matter most. User feedback serves as a guide for improving app or product usability. By subjecting your application to user testing, you ensure that your potential customers' needs are met, and any arising issues are appropriately addressed.

These are just a few of the top reasons why conducting user testing is vital before officially launching your product. It plays a significant role in issue detection and product development. However, one may wonder: Why isn't everyone doing it?

The reality is that user testing can be costly, particularly if your app or product requires repeated tests. The process can amount to thousands of dollars, making it unaffordable for many companies. Yet, if you choose to skip user testing to save a few dollars, you may end up spending more on future fixes that you could have avoided by conducting proper testing.

The good news is that there are approaches to user testing that can be cost-effective. With the right information and some creative strategies, you can conduct user testing even on a low budget. Here are some tips to help you achieve this:

  1. Determine the sample size needed: Traditional user testing methods often involve paying per tester. To minimise costs, carefully consider the number of people required to provide sufficient data and insights. Not every product demands a large sample size. Identify the minimum number of participants needed to gain in-depth insights into the usability of your product and work with that.

  2. Limit testing time: Time can also contribute to increased expenses during user testing. Assess whether it is possible to limit tests to specific areas or key aspects of your product. Rather than creating lengthy 30-minute testing videos, focus on covering important matters in shorter, more concise 5-minute videos.

  3. Utilise remote testing services: Ideally, having people physically present in a designated area to test

Why is it So Important to Test Your App?